New Wireless Frontiers
LUMEOVA is developing an ultra-fast wireless connectivity solution to meet the ever-increasing consumer demand for mobile multimedia content. LUMEOVA WiRays® uses patented optical technology to deliver dedicated, secure connectivity with Gigabit speeds well beyond today’s WiFi. Seizing the enormous bandwidth of the optical spectrum, WiRays® opens the doors to new and exciting possibilities for future communications.
Wireless Communications at the speed of Fiber.
WiRays® is transforming wireless connectivity.
Low power
100+ Gbps
Strong IP Portfolio
Technology Experts
The path to terabit-per-second connectivity
WiRays® is light years ahead.
On the path to terabits per second wireless connectivity, first-gen WiRays® is designed to deliver up to 100 Gigabits per second, with a technology roadmap to reach over 1000 Gbps (1 Terabit per second) connectivity.